Artist Profile:

Edith Sampa

Edith Sampa

Nationality: Zambian

Edith Sampa Chiliboy is a Zambian, self taught photographer that specializes in fine art photography. She has worked on various projects such as stories of Kalingalinga under the visual arts Council of Zambia in collaboration with  the Anglia Rusken University,Exhibition on drug abuse under Drug Enforcement Commission of Zambia, photo Covid19 Zambia, Fabricated Stories with the Women’s History Museum and Affects and Colonialism Weblab under the Freie State University of Germany. She is the founder of a photography start up called Intrapics. To her photography is a journey in which she not only gets to explore and understand the elements of environments she lives in but also gets a chance to explore her own existence and what roles she plays in order to make a meaningful contribution to the curent times she's existing in.


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